Latino Business Speakers Bureau: Rosario Marin

story by: David Gomez

US currency printed in the early 2000’s has a special signature above the US Treasurer label. The signature reads:Rosario Marin. In many ways, this signature is very significant. It represents a pinnacle to US immigrants, in particular, Latinos. It is also a testament of the achievements afforded to every person who embarks on the American dream, and a lesson on resilience and perseverance. Rosario’s story is one that can be embraced by every American as well as newcomers as one of their own. The strugglesshe has overcome, and the challenges she has faced resonate with thepersonal storiesof the vast majority of working people. Even after she has risen to the highest financial responsibility rolein the US, Rosario remainshumble and approachable. She shares her powerful story with passion and assurance that only comes from those who have endured life storms and conquered them.

Rosario’s greatest achievement comes after her biggest disappointment. Rosario had achieved great success in life by fighting all odds against her and pursuing her personal and professional goals. Growing up she had worked along her parents in the fieldseach dayafter high school. When she decided to pursue hercollege undergraduate education, she did it without financial aid, scholarships, or any assistance. She fought for her dreams and the fight paid off. She moved upwards in her job but as she was reaching a new summit, life hit harder than her humble beginnings and the obstacles she had overcome. However, in the middle of the tempest, Rosario was given a treasure unlike any other, but it required for her tolet go of her success and her plans. She was expecting a childwho was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Rosario did not hesitate to leaveeverything behind and take care of her child at the expense of personal sacrifice. She gave up the Executive VP position opportunity at the bank she worked, she stopped her MBA, and she sold the house that she had worked so hard to get. However, that moment in life was the beginning of the great new things in store for her.

With her voice filled with passion, love, and hope, Rosario shares what those moments taught her. “Today I know that things happen exactly as they should”, she says. She attributes her mother for giving her the invaluable gift of her faith and says that she felt a divine message speaking to her through those trying moments “No matter how difficultthings may seem at one point, no matter how hard the long night is, I will give you a new day and with it there will be a new sun, and you will shine again.” At the moment it was hard to see that things would work out in the endbut as she reflects on that life experience,she knows that the next chapters in life opened new doors. She decided that she would dedicate her life to care for her son and people like himandbegan working in organizations that focused on taking care of people with similar traits. Her passion and her dedication caught the attention of people who noticedher leadership and personal qualities. One of those people was thenGovernor of Texas, George W. Bush, whoappointed Rosario as the 41stUS Treasurer. Her son is now 35 years old and she would not trade any of her experiences for an easier life. She knowsthose challenges set her exactly where she needed to be.

Rosario’s story is a reminder for anyone who has lost their dreams and who at some point may have felt that there is no way to recover from that loss. It is also a lesson to pick up the pieces and start anew. When all strength is gone and the night seems endless, Rosario will tell you that there will soon be a new day and the sun will come out tomorrow. Her amazing story is one that teaches resilience in the face of burdens that seem impossible to bear. That is because those burdens shouldnever be carried alone. Rosario is awarethat many people have contributed to her success and themost practicaladvice she can give is to ask for help. She says that the most important three words she says is “I need help.” Reaching out for others to help out provides an unique opportunity for them to show their kindness and starts a cycle of gratitude.
