Constructing Dreams
CEO and Chairwoman of Vanir Group, Dorene Dominguez is also a member of the governorship group who purchased NBA's team, Sacramento Kings, serves on the Coca-Cola Hispanic Advisory Council and other corporate boards. All while helping others achieve their American Dream.
IT WAS A FRIDAY like no other in January 2004 when Dorene’s life changed forever. Dorene Dominguez, daughter of H. Frank Dominguez, who founded Vanir in 1964, became in charge of her father’s company moments after her father passed away. Her first move as a leader was calling a board meeting. She had full board support to become Chairman and CEO and she felt ready to take on and continue her father’s legacy. “Transition was so immediate and demanding”, says Dorene. The first year as Chairwoman and CEO, Dorene kept the business going in “status quo”. She worked on emergency mode making decisions similar to what her dad would make. In her second year, Dorene began to ask herself, “Ok, what am “I” going to do now?” She began to take control and make decisions that would shape the company as her own and began creating her own legacy. Today, Dorene’s company is one of the top companies in the country by all standard – in program, project and construction management and Real Estate Development.
Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library, Long Beach, CA
Dorene is proud to say that her biggest added value and strength is her commitment to excellence and being a Latina. She is confident to say that with Latinos or a diverse team, companies add that extra bottom line that many tend to ignore. Vanir Construction Management is ranked twenty-six in the nation, number one as Hispanic-owned and number one as Woman-owned for its program management because of its diverse perspective and thought from the employees. “We’re successful because of diversity. It’s part of our culture and DNA.” An example Dorene uses is their work with Valleywise Health, one of the company’s latest projects. This Arizona collaboration is a two billion-dollar program in health care. What makes this one particularly special is the fact that eighty-two percent of staff are women and “clients love it,” said Dorene.
Philanthropy is also important to Dorene. Therefore, in memory of her father, Dorene founded The Dominguez Dream, a nonprofit 501(c)3 dedicated to empowering children in underserved communities to achieve their full potential through Literacy and STEAM. It has become one of her focuses. “My father always emphasized the importance of helping others.”
Los Angeles World Airports, Los Angeles, CA
As Texas’ Latino community grows exponentially and becomes the majority in the state, Vanir focuses its efforts on partnerships and projects. Vanir has four offices in Texas: Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio and growing. One of their current and most important clients is with the Dallas ISD (Independent School District). This current strategic plan to invest in Texas is critical to Vanir’s growth. She truly believes that Texas is the state of the future where risk and needs lead to opportunity and success. She envisions these schools to be a resource for students and their families, especially with their fully equipped technology needed to bridge the digital divide. Students will have the opportunity to be creative with technology and parent engagement can improve.
Dorene believes that people today desire to give back. Philanthropy is important to her and therefore, her company is involved in programs like The Dominguez Dream. Especially when it comes to younger people, she knows many are looking for companies where they can contribute to something that is bigger than themselves not just a job. Vanir is Dorene’s full-time family, including her mother at 80, and sister with down syndrome whom she resides with. Vanir is a family business and there is no doubt that one of their biggest values is family
Solar Preparatory School for Girls, Dallas, TX
Dorene wishes to continue mentoring young Latinos and giving them all of the resources needed to succeed, both with their education and careers. She currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Norte Dame University, KB Homes and CIT Bank Board, and Coca Cola Hispanic Advisory Council. In addition, she is at the table with the big boys in business for she is a Governor of an NBA Sacramento Kings team and an investor in the MLS team, Sacramento Republic.
She imagines a future within her company that continues being socially responsible while being a premiere national company. She can see Vanir expanding and growing their number of offices.
Through it all, Dorene embraces her heritage, she advises future leaders to be proud of who we are. “Once you know that is an advantage, use it. Bring your best to that company, team, profession or wherever it is that you are currently at,” says Dorene. During this political climate when our country is greatly divided, Dorene asks for all Latinos to really speak up. “It’s time we raise our voices. Sometimes it might need to be forceful and sometimes kinder, use discernment. There’s no wrong way of doing it but it should be done now.”