Initiative to Invest
Goldman Sachs has created an initiative, Launch with GS, that will help grow entrepreneurs grow and build the business of their dreams.
INVESTMENT FUNDS play a big part in the growth and future of companies and the connection to executive searches. reports that companies have become reliant on executive search firms when trying to fill gaps at very critical positions.
One company who has experience and knowledge using funds towards executive search is Goldman Sachs. The corporate recently began an initiative titled, “Launch with GS” to further invest in women-led companies and investment managers.
“There are three main drivers with our launch program,” Head of Launch with GS, Jemma Wolfe said.
The company details how they use a three-component system to further invest funds towards the hiring and selection of employees.
Three main drivers of Launch with GS
One of the first ideals the company focuses on is narrowing the investment gap. The main focus is on profit and using the economic goal as an investment opportunity towards growth as a whole.
“We are doing this because we see it as a strong investment opportunity,” Wolfe said.
Another perspective of why the company created Launch with GS revolves around the values and beliefs the company entrusts on. The company’s mindset revolves around the ideal that “investment opportunity is really embedded in beliefs that diverse management teams build better businesses.”
The third focus details the importance of community engagement and investment funds towards the betterment of the current ecosystem.
The main reasoning behind the three big ideals of the Launch with GS is narrowing on the investment gap using the funds towards an increase for profit and holding dear to the fact that diversity teams will outperform its competitors.
So Why the Launch Program?
“Our primary goal is really narrowing the investment gap,” Wolfe said. “We view the investment opportunity to invest capital.”
Goldman Sachs is focused on the real world and the assurance that the money is being used towards businesses of people with diverse backgrounds.
“We are looking for the best opportunity, no matter what the business looks like,” Wolfe said.
Currently, Goldman Sachs is invested in a variety of companies, one of which focuses on data analytics outside of the United States.
Data has been a big driving force in relation to building and creating the ideal diverse companies that bridge the gap of executive searches and investment funds.
The Importance of Numbers
Goldman Sachs initiative of Launch with GS calls on statistics and studies that backup the importance of diversity and its strong connection toward company investments.
“On the ethnic diversity side, companies in the top quartile in terms of ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns than the national median industry,” Wolfe said.
The group strongly believes that gender and ethnic diversity further assists the company in reaching their overall performance goals.
Another study the company found details that, “companies in the top 25% quartile for gender diversity on the executive teams are 21% more likely to receive above margin profit.”
With the introduction of Launch with GS, the company believes that the three driving forces they are focused on along with the proven results these studies produced detailing the importance of data will allow them to take advantage of investment opportunities.