Comerica Corner: La Brisa Ice Cream Co.

Guadalupe Flores, along with his family, arrived to the U.S. with loads of dreams and lots of will to create what they had left behind. Thanks to this country and the support of many, like Comerica Bank, Flores was able to open La Brisa Ice Cream Company in Houston, TX.


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Houston, Texas is home to a considerable amount of entrepreneurs. Meet Guadalupe Flores, owner of La Brisa Ice Cream Company. He is a native Mexican from the state of Zacatecas.

His journey began 36 years ago in 1982 when he and his family decided to come to the U.S. in order to continue with their entrepreneurial dreams. During his time in Mexico, he established his business in his hometown and was able to develop fundamental skills to lead a business.

But not everything was easy and simple, “Things for difficult in Mexico.”, said Flores. As like many other business owners, resources were limited and scarce. But Flores had a “plan B” and decided to look north of the border.

Fast forward to 2018, La Brisa has become a booming business. Along the way, he has had partners that have supported his venture. Comerica is one of those partners. Flores has formed a relationship with the bank and Hugo, his personal banker. “There was no money. But we were able to borrow money little by little to be able to get back on our feet.” Flores talked about how bigger banks closed doors for him, but Comerica opened a window. Thanks to the bond they created, Flores was able to produce. His piece of advice for other business owners struggling financially? “Don’t be scared. Si se puede. Look for the help you need.”

Throughout his time, his motivation fluctuated. He first saw his business as an obligation; a way to provide for his family. Now? La Brisa is now the inheritance Flores wishes to pass along to his children. “I never thought it would grow so much, into what it is now. We insisted and insisted and here we are.”


Now Flores looks to the future. His future plans are to make sure that his family continues with the business. “We have done the most difficult part, now its up to them to continue this business.” Four of his children are currently taking the reigns and are part of La Brisa. His legacy to his family is the hard work and dedication in the form of a business that will produce happy customers for years to come.