Comerica Corner: Ideal Health & Wellness Med Spa

How a surgical clinic grew to be more than it thought it would be.

Maria Elena Gonzalez and Dr. Adalberto Gonzalez are not only husband and wife but together they run businesses to help people. Besides managing Adalberto’s surgical practice, Maria Elena found some space in the office to start her other business, Ideal Health & Wellness Med Spa.

Adalberto is a retired doctor who attended Yale University and The University of Colorado Medical School. He completed his residency in General Surgery at Maricopa Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Maria Elena attended university in Arizona and majored in business. It was her job at Southern Pacific Railroad that supported them both throughout Adalberto’s medical training.

Maria Elena has always had an entrepreneurial spirit. She began to run an essential oil business through the the LatinaStrong Foundation, where she acts as a founding board member and treasurer.

Ideal Health & Wellness Med Spa surged after Maria Elena was introduced to colon hydrotherapy in 2016. After trying it out herself, she realized how helpful it was so she decided to invest in her own hydrotherapy system. It mostly began for personal use until her friends started using it. Her business started to grow with the use of Groupon in order to market it to a bigger audience.

As in most businesses, the challenge for Maria Elena has been to generate new clients but with the use of Groupon the business has been growing. Comerica has been since the beginning giving Maria Elena the resources to keep doing what she mostly wants, to continue to grow a well established alternative medicine clinic. Comerica has not only assisted in establishing business accounts but they have been there to support this new endeavor and helping her achieve her next goal which is to open a new clinic.

Maria Elena firmly believes that this endeavor showed her husband how truly passionate she is about her desire to help other people and the satisfaction of doing so. Today, she still actively manages Adalberto’s surgical practice while managing her own business and agrees that without their teamwork efforts things would not be the same.
