Latino Business Speakers Bureau: Robert Renteria

story by: David Gomez

When Robert Renteria arrived in Chicago all he possessed was a duffel bag with his belongings and a few dollars in his pocket. But that was enough for him to get started on a successful career. Robert worked his way up selling washers and driers to “lavanderias” (cleaners) and understood the business well enough to start his own distribution company. In the midst of his success, an event would change the direction of his life and reveal his real purpose. What sparked Robert’s move from the board room to the barrio was a conversation he had with a couple of “cholos” who approached him to tell him that his Mercedes Benz was “phat”. He revealed to them what the secret to his success was: Hard Work. Upon revealing thesetwo words to these two young men. He saw how his words had made an impact on them and that they saw that what they thought impossible had now become a plausable dream. Robert knew that he had a roadmap that he could share with others struggling to achieve their goals.

Robert’s upbringing included grueling poverty, unmitigated hardships and family tragedy. Drugs, alcohol, physical pain from an accident at a young age, and living with an abusive stepdad would not stop Robert from getting what he wanted from his life. After high school, Robert joined the military and learned to be a better man, to take responsibility and the value of doing the right thing even when others are not watching. These contrasting formative experiences showed a path for Robert to follow for his own life. However, he knows that there are still many people who have not yet surpassed their own adversities like he has. After the conversation he had with the two young men who admired his “ride”, he traded the corporate life and became an author. Robert is the author of From The Barrio To The Board Room, and has written curriculum and resources to help individuals to reach their full potential. His publications have not only inspired many people to accomplish great goals, he is also on a mission to fight for the self-esteem of many students who struggle with bullying and who lack the support necessary to become well rounded individuals. Robert feels his formative past prepared him to help lead others into a better life.
