Latino Business Speakers Bureau: Shayla Rivera

story by: David Gomez

Shayla’s broad interests range from comedy to motivation, from psychology to physics, and from NASA to salsa dancing. She is a master of entertaining audiences and producing belly-aching laughter. Her talents are diverse, and she continually strives to find more ways to give the best of herself. She is a gifted motivator, an avid advocate for STEM for next generations, and a champion for self-improvement. Her voice carries an infectious laughter which captivates audiences in the stories she shares. Her reflections can range from every-day-life as a Latina to quantum mechanics and she shifts from one to the other with lightning speed. Her unique perspective is an amalgam of her upbringing, curiosity and letting life guide her decisions. She is eager to sharewhat she has learned from her experiences with the urgency of a friend looking out for what’s best for the group.

Usually, comedians use a dominant creative part of their brain. They see the world differently, so they push the boundaries of the status quoand set out to leave a mark. On the other hand, engineers and scientists are skilled with the opposite side of the brain, the logical side. Shayla Rivera is a master of both. However, this dichotomy was the product of how Shayla experienced life from an early age. She remembers feelings of not fitting in during her childhood back in Puerto Rico, where she was born. To cope, she developed a resilience that allowed her not to show discomfort. However, when her family moved to the US mainland, she became aware of a new differentiator: culture. Back home, she shared the same language, foods and stories. In Texas, where she settled, she had to learn to integrate once again. However, she was prepared. Life had gifted her with resilience that allowed her to exceedthe challenges of integrating; she thrived in her new homeland. Shayla graduated as an aerospace engineer from Texas A&M University; she was one of the NASA engineers during the Space Shuttle and the Space Station programs. In addition, she is the Founderand President of Funny Rocket Scientist, Inc. and has received several accolades as a comedian.

Shayla says that the best comedy happens in real life. Observing life situations is enough to fill comedy specials. She learned to bridge gaps and unify audiences through her stories because life produces the best comedy. That’s when she learned to stop controlling her own path and let life lead her through her journey. The exercise of letting go exposed an idea at the core of Shayla’s philosophy: “what else am I controlling and holding tight?” Fortunately, Shayla isn’t only interested in the benefits of introspection in her own life. She is quick to share with others what life has taught her. She wants to help them avoid situations of burnout, unbalance and getting in a rut. So, she invites her audience to explore this question with her.

As designs increase in complexity there is a tendency of losing sight of the basic function of a system of device. For example, a pocket-knife that is produced with a compact design will lose its appeal or function if it were given additional gadgets (i.e. a Swiss Army knife). Among the lessons that Shayla shares with leaders is that there is a need for constant self-reflection. Leaders lead, mentor, and coach others through tough issues. However, at some point, leaders can lose track of their purpose. They won’t allow themselves the slack they give a team member that they have coached. That’s where introspection can help a leader see what is inside and what is coming to the surface. It’s a tough journey, but one with an invaluable return.

The pivotal idea behind Shayla’s introspection lays on this principle: You cannot change others; you can only change yourself. Therefore, it is important to give yourself permission to make mistakes and to allow the necessary time for those changes to take place. The importance of comedy in this principle is that humor sets the stage to loosen up and to allow the leader to take themselves less seriously. Because Shayla practices what she preaches, she is able to bring the best of herself. She wants others to enjoy their best life and that is why she sees the value of sharing her experiences. She sees them as material for her comedy routines. However, her stories go deeper than laughter. They can spark a new challenge or prompt audiences to pursue their goals better equipped.
