Q&A with Top Lawyers: Annie Martinez

Annie Martinez is the founding attorney of Bridge Water Solutions, specializing in defense- the defense of juveniles, parents, adults & families.

Can you tell us about your career path, how did you get to your current position?

When I was in law school I knew I didn’t want to stay in Florida and I wanted to move out west and chose Colorado for where I was going to take the bar and practice. I always knew I wanted to do defense minded work and focus on correcting inequities in the legal system one client at a time.

I have been working a combination of juvenile family and criminal law since graduation. It’s where I feel I am the most helpful to people going through some of the worst periods of their lives.

What would you say to young Latinas today thinking about pursuing a career as a lawyer? Why is it so important to increase representation in the industry?

I would say go for it and don’t look back. Find support and be tough. Latinos face many barriers in accessing justice. From misinformation, police profiling, language barriers and immigrations fears, our gente are kept from justice everyday. Nuestra comunidad needs us to help them navigate these systems in a way that only we can.
