Q&A with Top Lawyers: Miguel Dominguez

Miguel Dominguez is one of the 600 trial-ready attorneys in Morgan & Morgan practicing in areas such as Civil Rights, Civil Trial Litigation, and Medical Malpractice.

Can you tell us about your career path, how did you get to your current position?

My path was long and hard, but one of the experiences I always include as an instrumental part of my development as an attorney was my career as a mental health professional before attending law school. My first career after college was as a social worker serving the mentally ill homeless in Atlanta. I was also a counsel - or on Georgia’s suicide hotline. It was these early years in mental health that provided the training I needed to communicate persuasively with tact, empathy and compassion. After law school, I served as a law clerk at the Georgia Court of Appeals, opened up my own practice as a criminal defense attorney, became a state prosecutor, practiced civil defense litigation and finally became a plaintiff ’s lawyer.

What has been one of the most rewarding moments you’ve experienced in your career?

When you handle this profession as the privilege that it is and become a good steward over the responsibilities and blessings it bestows upon you, the rewarding moments are abundant. As a prosecutor, I was able to make such a significant impact on people’s lives by giving individuals accused of a crime a second chance at life, exonerating an innocent person, or creatively structuring a sentence that helps a person turn it all around and become a productive member of society.
